Responsible Practices

Responsible Practices
Protecting you, protecting the community.
Crown has made some changes to the way we provide our services. It’s Crown’s responsibility to ensure approved identification, personal details and, in some cases, financial information is up-to-date from our customers. Our Responsible Practices aim to mitigate the risk of individuals using illicit funds at Crown. You can play an important role to help us protect the community by being aware of our processes and declaring certain information to Crown when requested.

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
It is important to recognise that Crown, like a financial institution, works with Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 to detect, disrupt and deter money laundering in our financial systems.
Crown does this by reporting certain threshold transactions to AUSTRAC and performing customer due diligence to verify the legitimacy of funds used for gaming.
These responsible practices aim to mitigate the risk of individuals using illicit funds at Crown. Our members can play an important role to help us protect the community.

Tier progression
Additional information required for Crown Rewards tier progression.
Crown Rewards members may be requested to provide additional identification and personal information as they progress through the Crown Rewards tiers or when they request access into the Pearl Room. This information forms part of Crown’s Responsible Practices to protect you, our staff and our community.

Patron declaration form
As part of Crown's Responsible Practices, Crown Reward members may be requested to complete a Patron Declaration Form when gaming activity reaches predetermined thresholds.

Managing your funds at Crown
Crown prefers to receive funds from customers for gaming purposes by electronic funds transfer.
Crown will only accept electronic funds transfers from customer’s personal bank accounts.
Should customers choose to deposit cash into their deposit account at Crown, they may be required to provide additional information about the source of those funds.